Then I pulled into my driveway and noticed that my lilac tree had actual buds on it. Not just leafs but buds and these buds were still growing into something beautiful in the midst of this grey raining season. I got back into my truck and began heading back into work when DCB came on the radio singing "Glorious" and through the lyrics I was reminded that God makes everything Glorious. Everything. Not just some things in some states in some countries or even some continents. EVERYTHING!
It was at this point I was reminded of a conversation I had with one of my old VP's from Zondervan, Scott Bolinder. We were walking into work together one morning very similar to today and he said "isn't it beautiful out" which I didn't understand and kinda looked at him with a puzzled look. This is when he said "just because we don't see the sun doesn't mean it's not shining". He was right, a few weeks later I was on an early morning flight and it was cloudy and raining and I just was not looking forward to flying in that weather, but then we broke through the clouds and I saw the sunlight. It was beautiful.
It was a gentle reminder that while I can't always see God's glory right in front of me does not mean that it's not there!